Sunday, April 17, 2011

Felt so good this morning!

This morning I felt so good. Why did I feel so good? Well, the first thing I did, before I even got out of bed, was to close my eyes and go through my list of things to be grateful for.

It is getting easier and easier each time I do it. Each time I go through my gratitude list, the emotions get stronger and stronger.

I feel so much better today! I can't wait for tomorrow.

Honestly, if you guys have not created your gratitude list yet and are not looking at it each morning, you do not know what you are missing out on.

Go ahead, sit down and write up your gratitude list. I want you to set aside 20 minutes right now to write up your gratitude list. If you do not do it now, you will never do it.

And for those of you who have written up your gratitude list, congratulations I say.

Set your list next to your bed. Tomorrow morning when you wake up, the first thing I want you to do is go over the list. Remind yourself of all the things you have to be grateful for in your life. Close your eyes and feel how grateful you are for each item on your gratitude list.

Do this daily and eventually it will become a habit.

Peace out, and keep working towards happiness.

Friday, April 15, 2011


In my previous post, I mentioned the importance of having a gratitude list. A gratitude list is basically a list of several small things in your life which you are grateful for. I prefer to chose small things over big extravagant things because if you lose the big thing, it will be harder to replace. But if you lose the small thing, it will not be as hard to replace.

Contrast a guy who is grateful for his $15,000 car versus a guy who is grateful for his $15 shirt. If they both lost that which they were grateful for, who do you think would be able to recover it sooner? The guy who is grateful for the $15 shirt will have less trouble and find it a lot easier to find a new or similar shirt than the guy who lost the expensive car.

Always keep your gratitude items small. But the trick is, to build up the emotional intensity by having lots of these items. In other words, have lots of small items that you are grateful for.

Write them down on a piece of paper, and look at them once a day.

Here is how my gratitude list looks like. Basically, they are things I am grateful for:

1) Living in a generation which has the internet.

2) Having parks where I can go walking.

3) Having nice books to read.

4) Having pen and paper to journal.

5) Owning a television.

That right there, is a list of five things in my life which I am grateful for. Notice how all of these items are items which other people take for granted. They are also items which if I were to lose, I would be able to replace them in a short time. I can eventually repurchase books, pen, paper and a television. It is not likely that all the parks in the world or the internet will dissappear. If they did, I would just find two new things to be grateful for to replace them with.

By looking at this list every day, it always makes me feel good. I urge you to create your own gratitude list and look at it every day. Set aside twenty minutes to brainstorm the little things you have to be grateful for.

Write it down, and look at it once a day.

It is a little effort, for a big difference. Trust me, it works.

Create positive emotions

A lot of people in society have this false notion that life has to be all good. They do not realise that life has bad in it as well. As soon as the smallest thing goes wrong, they have a mental break down. They expect everything to go picture perfect and smoothly. Well I got news for you.

Life does not work that way. Life is about both the good and the bad. You have to learn to accept the bad times in your life. If you do not accept the bad times, if you continue to dwell on them and regret them, all you do is prevent yourself from creating good times in your future. You have to accept the bad times.

If it comforts you, just tell yourself that life would not be complete without the bad times. In life, there will always be the good and the bad.You just have to deal with it.

One way that I have found to be incredibly useful in dealing with the bad times is by focusing on the positives. I look at what I have to be grateful for in the present. I look at the simple things. For instance, I am grateful I live in a generation which has the internet. I am grateful I have a television. I am grateful I live near a library. None of these things are anything extravagant. In fact, they are pretty much things which most people in society take for granted.

Apart from looking for things to be grateful for, I also have activities which I pursue that make me happy. For instance, I enjoy reading. I enjoy journalling. I like going for walks. These are all activities which I pursue not for some grand result, but because they make me happy. They keep me positive and help me appreciate life.

I have learnt that life will always throw bad things your way. In order to stay happy, you have to spend time doing activities that make you happy. Spend a few hours each week doing things that make you happy and make you feel good.

You also need to have a gratitude list. You need to have a list of a few things which you are grateful for in life. Look at this list everyday. It will take less than a minute.

If there is one thing you learn from me, it is that bad things always happen in life. It cannot be helped. But you can minimise the effect of the negative by being grateful for the little things in life, and pursuing activities which make you happy in life. You can reduce the negative emotions you feel by creating positive emotions. That is how you deal with the bad in life. By strengthening the good.

Life is automatic. There will always be good times, and there will always be bad times. This cannot be helped. What you can do is make a conscious effort to create more good emotions in your life. That way as the bad times come, which they inevitably will, you will have some good feelings to help you deal with them.

In summary, the three things I want you to learn are:
1) Accept that there will always be bad times.
2) Keep a gratitude list which you look at every day.
3) Spend time on activities which make you happy.

Follow this advice and take control of your emotions. Create positive emotions.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


The revolutionary technique of being grateful is probably one of the most overlooked techniques in the self-help world. It is in my estimation, the greatest single mental trick there is. Once mastered, it can turn your life around.

What exactly is ‘gratitude’? It is basically being thankful. Learn to be thankful for what you have. It is the short cut to happiness . If the only thing you have are the clothes on your back, but you are thankful for it, that is happiness.

There are two ways to happiness. Chasing what you want, and learning to appreciate what you have. Too many people think happiness is chasing something else. Learn to be grateful for what you have.

Be thankful for your past, and whatever possessions you have. Don't worry about whether other people would be grateful for what you have. Your job is to live your life. Other people will not be living your life for you, will they?

Learn to be grateful for what you have. Right now, I want you to take out a pen and paper, and make a list of five things you are grateful for in your life.